Exchange Own Token

TerraCore v0

If your app uses own Auth backend, you can exchange it's token for Terra access_token following this guide.

General flow#

This flow requires several integration steps between your Auth backend and our system, please follow next section for details

Implementation steps#

Implement your Auth backend to generate the idToken#

Currently, we only support JWT-decodable token with following claims


typOnly accept “JWT”string
algOnly accept “RS256”string
kidThe kid for the public key used to sign this tokenstringrequired


"alg": "RS256",
"kid": "0d57a0be-3ed2-42a2-b3e5-36ca7f932112",
"typ": "JWT"


issThe Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the responsestringrequired
audThe audience that this token is intended for. If provider follows Auth2.0 and needs to verify claim aud, they need to register allowed list aud to IAM Servicestringrequired
subThe identifier for the userstringrequired
iatThe time the token was issuedstringrequired
expExpiration time on or after which the token must not be accepted. Represented in Unix time (integer seconds)stringrequired
nameUser profile namestringrequired
emailUser profile emailoptionalrecommended
phone_numberUser profile phone numberoptionalrecommended


Given this context:

  • Company sample_company has an Auth backend (

  • Company has 2 apps app_1 and app_2 that use this Auth backend

    The idToken generated for app_1 will look like:

"iss": "",
"aud": "app_1",
"iat": 1602472688,
"exp": 1602476288,
"sub": "38faff5b50794f389f5e53506ae1c97c",
"name": "Sample User Name",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "0987654321",

Implement your Auth backend to return public key#

This is the public key associated with the private key that you used to sign the above idToken, as an example the Google's api is
The api url is jwks_uri in next step.

Send us registration information so we can integrate your Auth backend#

nameYour Auth backend namestringrequired
providerYour Auth backend identifier (will be used in your client code for logging in later)stringrequired
issuerAuthenticator issuer which is used when IAM verifies id_token for this issuerstringrequired
jwks_uriThe API provider exposed jwks which contains public_key to verify JWT id_token (
client_idAllowed 3rd-party clientstringrequired

Example (using same above context)

"name": "Sample Company",
"provider": "sample_company",
"issuer": "",
"jwks_uri": "",
"client_id": "app_1"

Enable custom login method in Terra Console#

Please contact us we will setup it for you

Implement your client app to log in#




After user logged into your app and received the idToken from your Auth backend, use this code to log in

// create the credential
val credential = CustomTokenProvider.getLoginCredential(provider, idToken)
// login
TerraAuth.getInstance(terraApp).loginWithCredential(credential) { result: Result<Unit, Throwable> ->
when (result) {
is Result.Success -> // handle successful login
is Result.Failure -> // handle failed login


  • idToken is the token that you received from your Auth backend after logging in successfully
  • provider is the value that you sent us at the step before.