Repository Access Guide

Terra's libraries can be installed through Gradle (Android) or CocoaPods(iOS). However they are stored in Teko's private repositories so please follow below instruction to access:


Please check Library Versions for stable & latest version of all Terra libraries

Setup environment variables#

Add this line to your ~/.bashrc:

export GITHUB_USER_NAME=<your_token_name>
export GITHUB_USER_TOKEN=<your_token_secret>

Please contact us, we will provide you the token name & secret.

Setup project#

Add below code to your project's build.gradle.kts, then sync the project:

allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
name = "TekoMaven"
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = System.getenv("GITHUB_USER_NAME")
password = System.getenv("GITHUB_USER_TOKEN")

UPDATE since 07/2021 we move artifacts to new repository, please follow this then

allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
authentication {
credentials {
username = "_json_key_base64"
password = "<secretKey>"

Note: please do not commit <your_token_secret> to github or it will be revoked