Track From App


There events indicate user interactions with cart

  1. Add product to cart
skuId = "1234567", // product's sku
skuName = "Product name", // product's name
price = 1000000, // product's original price
promotionPrice = 999000, // product's price after discount
quantity = 1, // product's quantity in cart after added
status = EventConstants.Status.Success, // if the action is success
promotionId = "123", // id of the promotion associated with this product, optional
coupon = "ABCD", // coupon associated with this product, optional
cartId = "cart-id-1" // id of the cart, optional
  1. Remove product from cart
skuId = "1234567", // product's sku
skuName = "Product name", // product's name
price = 1000000, // product's original price
promotionPrice = 999000, // product's price after discount
quantity = 1, // product's quantity in cart after remove
status = EventConstants.Status.Success, // if the action is success
promotionId = "123", // id of the promotion associated with this product, optional
coupon = "ABCD", // coupon associated with this product, optional
cartId = "cart-id-1" // id of the cart, optional
  1. Increase quantity product
  • Track when press + button to quickly increase quantity in cart
  • According constant CartEventIdentifier.CartEventName.IncreaseQuantityProduct
  1. Decrease quantity product
  • Track when press - button to quickly decrease quantity in cart
  • According constant CartEventIdentifier.CartEventName.DecreaseQuantityProduct
  1. Select product
  • Track when user tick checkbox to mark product as selected for checkout in cart
  • According constant CartEventIdentifier.CartEventName.SelectProduct
  1. Deselect product
  • Track when user un-tick checkbox to mark product as not selected for checkout in cart
  • According constant CartEventIdentifier.CartEventName.UnSelectProduct
  1. Revert product
  • Track when user revert the "remove product from cart" action
  • According constant CartEventIdentifier.CartEventName.RevertProductToCart


There events indicate user view/exit a screen in your app.

// Firstly, define your app screen enum like this
enum class AppScreenName(override val value: String) : ScreenName {
// Also, define your app screen content type enum like this
enum class AppContentType(override val value: String) : ContentType {
// In your activity/fragment, implement interface TrackableScreen to enable auto-tracking mechanism
// this interface will provide information about current screen
class MainActivity(): TrackableScreen {
override fun shouldTrack(): Boolean { return true/false } // this screen should be tracked or not
override fun screenName(): ScreenViewEventBody.ScreenName // name of this screen if shouldTrack return true
override fun contentType(): ScreenViewEventBody.ContentType // content of this screen if shouldTrack return true
override fun referrerScreen(): ScreenViewEventBody.ScreenName? = null // which screen is navigating to this screen
override fun skuId(): String? = null // optional, if this screen is showing product detail, then pass the product sku
override fun skuName(): String? = null // optional, if this screen is showing product detail, then pass the product name
override fun sdkId(): String? = null // optional, if you use Tracker inside your library, return your library identifier
override fun sdkVersion(): String? = null // optional, if you use Tracker inside your library, return your library version
// Because Tracker support multiple instance, so you also need to implement interface AppIdentifier
// and return the AppName you used to initialize your Tracker. This interface help Tracker recognize its event.
class MainActivity(): TrackableScreen, AppIdentifier {
override val appIdentifier: String? = "app_name"
// if you use only fragment, do the same as above for your fragment

Detail documentation for each method, please go to see release notes for version 1.0.0

Track raw event (not recommended):
In case you want to manually track the ScreenViewEvent, use this function

eventName = ScreenViewEventIdentifier.ScreenViewEventName.EnterScreenView, // enter or exit screen
body = ScreenViewEventBody(
screenName = AppScreenName.HomePage, // new screen just displayed to user
referrer = AppScreenName.Cart, // the screen before we enter this screen
contentType = AppContentType.HomePage, // screen type, somewhat the group that this screen belongs to
skuId = "1234567", // optional, if this screen is showing product detail, then pass the product sku
skuName = "Product Name", // optional, if this screen is showing product detail, then pass the product name
navigationStart = 1234567890, // timestamp when start navigation
loadEventEnd = 1234567899 // timestamp when page load ends


There events indicate which contents are showing to user.

// visibleProducts is a list of products that are currently showing on screen
terraTracker.getInstance().trackVisibleContentEvent( { idx ->
regionName = "Product List",
// region of this content, for example in home screen your app has both "Product List" and "Promotion List"
// so this will indicate which section we are referring to
index = idx, // index of the content
contentName = product.sku // sku of the product

RecyclerView support to auto-detect visible items and track when user scroll list:

// rcvProducts is the RecyclerView showing list of products
// products is the data list of product that backing this recycler view
val listener =
// this is a RegionName enum, you can create your own AppRegionName like AppScreenName as described
// in Screen View section above
object : ItemTrackingInfoExtractor {
// return an empty string ("") if you don't want to track for a specific item in the list
override fun getContentName(position: Int): String {
return products[position].sku // return the sku of product in this position
// remember to clear and remove this listener when your view is destroyed


These events indicate user interactions with app, like clicking on buttons.

Firstly, define your app region, content and target like this:

Firstly, define the region/content/target in your app like this

enum class AppRegionName(override val value: String) : RegionName {
enum class AppContentName(override val value: String) : ContentName {
enum class AppTarget(override val value: String) : Target {

Then track the event when the button is clicked with this code

regionName = AppRegionName.BtnChangeProductPromotion, // region name
contentName = AppContentName.SelectProductPromotion, // content name
target = AppScreenName.SelectProductPromotion, // target
payload = StringUtil.buildFromObject(mapOf( // payload is a stringify custom object
"sku" to product.sku,
"index" to idx
interaction = InteractionContentEventBody.Interaction.Click


These events indicate that an popup message is showing, require user click to dismiss or make decision.

alertType = AlertEventBody.AlertType.Popup, // Popup and Toast are available
alertMessage = "warning products out of stock" // message showing in the popup
For Kotlin


These events indicate that network exceptions have occurred.

The library provides an ErrorTrackingInterceptor that can be used with OkHttp:

Add this interceptor when you build your OkHttp client. For Kotlin:


The library by default will read field code and message from the http response when http status is not success. If your server return different format, please override ErrorTrackingInterceptor class with two functions:

  • getErrorCodeAndMessage return a Pair<String, String> to indicate error code and error message, called when the http request is failed (non 2xx status)
  • getCustomErrorCodeAndMessage return a Pair<String, String> to indicate error code and error message, called when the http request is success (2xx status)

This will help the interceptor to correctly parse your failure code and message from server response.

To track the ErrorEvent on your own, use:

errorSource = ErrorEventBody.ErrorSource.Http, // error source type
apiCall = "your_request_url", // the request url
apiPayload = "body_payload", // the request payload
httpResponseCode = "200", // http response code, optional
responseJson = "response_body", // http response body, optional
errorCode = "123", // error code returned by your server
errorMessage = "200 but error" // error message returned by your server


The library automatically tracks this event


These events indicate the search action of user

params = StringUtil.buildFromObject(mapOf(
"q" to "laptop",
"price_gte" to 10000000,
"publish" to true
)), // your query params, stringify
keywords = "laptop", // searching keyword
sort = "newest", // sorting param, optional
order = "asc" // sort order, optional

For Kotlin


These events indicate the user action related to payment

orderId = "123123-1231231-2131", // orderId returned by OrderManagement service
amount = 10000000L, // order total value
paymentMethod = PaymentEventBody.PaymentMethod.Cash, // payment method
status = EventConstants.Status.Success, // indicate success payment, can be Success/Failed/Timeout
statusCode = 1000 // the payment code returned by Payment service
).apply {
attr1 = 1000 // the payment code returned by Payment service
attr5 = StringUtil.buildFromObject(paymentResponse) // the whole response returned by Payment service


These events indicate user checkout the cart

orderId = "123123-1231231-2131", // orderId returned by OrderManagement service
amountBeforeDiscount = 10000000, // total value before discount
amountAfterDiscount = 9000000, // total value after discount
discountAmount = 1000000, // discount amount
shippingFee = 0, // shipping fee
products = {
price = it.price.toLong(), // product's original price
promotionPrice = it.promotionPrice.toLong(), // product's promotion price
quantity = it.quantity.toLong(), // product quantity to buy
skuId = it.sku, // product sku
skuName = // product name
}, // list of products in cart
status = EventConstants.Status.Success, // indicate success checkout, can be Success/Failed/Timeout
note = "giao hang nhanh nha" // order note


Use this event to track anything you need

category = "category", // any string you want
action = "action", // any string you want
label = "label", // any string you want
property = "property", // any string you want
value = 0 // any Long you want
).apply {
attr1 = "custom property 1" // any string you want
attr2 = "custom property 2" // any string you want
attr3 = "custom property 3" // any string you want
attr4 = "custom property 4" // any string you want
attr5 = "custom property 5" // any string you want

UTM Data#

We provide a way to track the utm data in the url where the app open from, includes: utm_source, utm_campaign, utm_term, utm_medium, utm_content.

Add this line to your application's Activities

override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent?) {
terraTracker.getInstance().onNewIntent(this, intent)