OrderFilterDataName | Mandatory | Type | Description |
miniAppFilter | yes | MiniAppFilter[] | List of mini app filters |
timeRangeFilter | yes | TimeRangeFilter[] | List of time range filters |
MiniAppFilterName | Mandatory | Type | Description |
id | yes | String | Id of this mini app |
name | yes | String | Name of this mini app |
TimeRangeFilterName | Mandatory | Type | Description |
name | yes | String | Name of this time range filter |
startAt | yes | String | Start timestamp of this time range filter |
endAt | yes | String | End timestamp of this time range filter |
HestiaOrderQueryName | Mandatory | Type | Description |
miniAppId | no | String | Id of the mini app to filter |
startAt | no | String | Start timestamp to filter |
endAt | no | String | End timestamp to filter |
limit | no | Int | Number of records to return |
offset | no | Int | Offset of records to query from |
states | no | HestiaOrderState[] | Orders state to filter (Init, PaymentFail, PartialPaid, FullyPaid) |
HestiaOrderDataName | Mandatory | Type | Description |
orders | yes | HestiaOrder[] | List of returned orders |
paging | yes | Paging | Paging data |
HestiaOrderName | Mandatory | Type | Description |
orderId | yes | String | Id of the order |
amount | yes | Long | Amount of the order |
createdAt | yes | String | Order creation time |
state | yes | Long | State of the order (FullyPaid, PartialPaid) |
miniAppCode | yes | String | Code of the mini-app according this order |
miniAppName | yes | String | Name of the mini-app according this order |
miniAppPlatformCode | yes | String | Platform Code of the mini-app according this order |
miniAppIconUrl | yes | String | Icon url of the mini-app according this order |
PagingName | Mandatory | Type | Description |
limit | no | Int | Number of records |
offset | no | Int | Start offset of records |