Switch merchant configuration

TerraCore v0


Minerva is built to provide payment solutions. It's working-object is defined as a terminal of a merchant. So in case we need support for multiple working-object, we must switch merchant config before initialize any transactions.

Minerva provided PaymentGatewayConfig to client able to update default config if needed, that will auto fill based on default config when parameters is optional

val paymentGateway = TerraPayment.getInstance(terraApp)
// update payment config as default
paymentGateway.config.apply {
switchMerchantConfig(merchantCode = "yourMerchantCode", terminalCode = "yourTerminalCode")
userId = "yourIdProfile"
successUrl = "https://payment-stg.teko.vn/"
cancelUrl = "https://payment-stg.teko.vn/"
