New features- Add showToast method to ApolloToast to display a toast following Design System specs
- Add onClick effect for ListContent view and delay onClick action for a while
- Add component ApolloSliderContainer to wrap ApolloSlider or ApolloRangeSlider, to display the slider values.
- Add WhiteGhost button
- Support set bottom sheet height.
Changes- Update layout specs for ApolloInlineMessage
- Update ApolloAppHeader now fully support multiple right icons (for >4 icons there is a more menu). Also can set badges for those icons using badgesCount and badgesVisible
- Update ApolloAppHeader support small size
- Update ApolloSearchHeader support badges for multiple right icons with badges, using badgesCount and badgesVisible
- Update NeutralTitle color for BottomSheetHeader & FormField
- Update layout specs for ApolloTagCloud
- Update ApolloDropdown now support Dropdown or BottomSheet style. Setting dropdownStyle property for this.
- Deprecate show method of ApolloToast (use to display a system toast)
Bug fixesNo bug fixes
This version is released to apply new release process of Terra platform